Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Break

Over Christmas break I was so lazy. I didn’t fell like doing anything. I slept in every day. The coolest thing I did over break was the parties. For Christmas I got a Wii. And my dad’s co-worker got us Michael Jackson: The Experience. We went to my friend’s house for New Year’s Eve. We brought karaoke there and our special Filipino meatballs. They are covered in barbecue sauce. The next night they came to our house and we of course played Wii. But we also watched the fight. It was my second time playing and I sucked. I stopped playing because I sucked. It was fun.The next day I practiced and I got so much better. My dad doesn’t believe I got 5 stars. My favorite present wasn’t even that. It was my new nextbook I got. I love Christmas Break.


    They lack empathy because of euphamism. In the book the dad had no idea what he was doing with the smaller twin. He doesen't know what that baby went through. The community kills a baby out of every set of twins. They don't know what they're doing. That is pretty much the only way they are lacking empathy in the community. Jonas however knows all this. He is frightened by the lack of empathy in the community. What is really sad is that the parents don't know what Jonas is going through. They do not know there is an entirely different and better world out there. Let's go back to Jonas. Jonas and the Giver had to go through so much pain from the memories. Jonas leaves with Gabe because he knows he will go through the pain he is experiencing. I would be so scared to realize that my little brother would have to go through that. As soon as he passed that memory to him that night he knew he would be picked as the new receiver. I'm sure of it that this community has many more examples of why they lack empathy. And you know what I don't want to know. This community really needs to change.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snow in Virginia

  Here in Utah it would not be a big deal if we got 4 inches of snow. However in Virginia it would be a very big deal. I remember when we got a week off of school cause of that much snow. I played in the snow with my brother as soon as it stuck high enough. It was not the kind of snow. It was the snow that does not stick. So we used the snow that hardens up to use as snowballs. I remember my friend hit me with one on the face. It was just like getting with a rock. I was bleeding a little bit. i still had fun though. My dad and I made a little hole in the ground inside the snow. So I went in there to get warm for about ten minutes. On the last day of the snow I made a snowman with my neighbor. It was so hard since the snow did not stick together. When we finally had to go to school, on the way home I slipped on some leftover snow on the street and landed on my butt. I did it going to school, but that time I lande on my back. I did not get up for a whole minute. That was the most snow we have ever had in Virginia in such a long time.

My Vacation in Cape Hatteras

 I remember when I was nine and I took a vacation to Cape Hatteras with my family. Such as my aunts, uncles, and parents. It was late at night and I remember my uncle's vacation house was very old. It was a nice old and casual beach house. I think I fell asleep on the couch before I explored the house. I do remember when i woke up I saw a big raggidy ann doll and I screamed. I'm afraid of dolls, because I am afrad they will come to life and steal our souls. Plus they look really creepy. After that I was very scared to go back there for the summers, but I am not afraid now. That day I think I forgot about them since we hung out at the beach all day. I had a lot of fun. When we got back to the house we got to shower in the personal outside shower. It was pretty cool. When we got done at the beach we had a cookout. I had maybe three cheeseburgers and chips. At the end of the day I went to bed, but I was scared of the dolls. XD. So I made my dad put them in the closet downstairs and lock the door. The next morning we left on to home in the big van we rented. That vacation was really fun and a little weird.